1.4. How To

1.4.1. Create and Run an Experiment

Experiments are defined in a declarative fashion inside Python modules using classes. Basically, create a .py file and add a global variable experiments, a list which contains multiple instances of the class simbricks.orchestration.experiments.Experiment, each one describing a standalone experiment. This is very helpful if you wish to evaluate your work in different environments, for example, you may want to swap out some simulator or investigate multiple topologies with different scale.

The class Experiment provides methods to add the simulators you wish to run. All available simulators can be found in the module simbricks.orchestration.simulators. Instantiating HostSim requires you to specify a NodeConfig, which contains the configuration for your host, for example, its networking settings, how much system memory it should have, and most importantly, which applications to run by assigning an AppConfig. You can find predefined classes for node and app configs in the module simbricks.orchestration.nodeconfig. Feel free to add new ones or just create a new class locally in your experiment’s module. For more details, see SimBricks Orchestration.

The last step to complete your virtual testbed is to specify which virtual components connect to each other. You do this by invoking the respective methods on the simulators you have instantiated. See the different simulator types’ base classes in the module simulators for more information. A simple and complete experiment module in which a client host pings a server can be found below.

If you plan to simulate a topology with multiple hosts, it may be helpful to take a look at the module simbricks.orchestration.simulator_utils in which we provide some helper functions to reduce the amount of code you have to write.

Finally, to run your experiment, invoke experiments/run.py and provide the path to your experiment module. In our docker containers, you can also just use the following command from anywhere:

$ simbricks-run --verbose --force <path_to_your_module.py>

--verbose prints all simulators’ output to the terminal and --force forces execution even if there already exist result files for the experiment. If simbricks-run is not available, you can always do

$ cd experiments
$ python run.py --verbose --force <path_to_your_module.py>

While running, you can interrupt the experiment using Ctrl+C in your terminal. This will cleanly stop all simulators and collect their output in a JSON file in the directory experiments/out/<experiment_name>. These are the necessary basics to create and run your first experiment. Have fun.

Listing 1.1 A simple experiment with a client host pinging a server, both are connected through a network switch. The setup of the two hosts could be simplified by using simbricks.orchestration.simulator_utils.create_basic_hosts().
 1from simbricks.orchestration.experiments import Experiment
 2from simbricks.orchestration.nodeconfig import (
 3    I40eLinuxNode, IdleHost, PingClient
 5from simbricks.orchestration.simulators import Gem5Host, I40eNIC, SwitchNet
 7e = Experiment(name='simple_ping')
 8e.checkpoint = True  # use checkpoint and restore to speed up simulation
10# create client
11client_config = I40eLinuxNode()  # boot Linux with i40e NIC driver
12client_config.ip = ''
13client_config.app = PingClient(server_ip='')
14client = Gem5Host(client_config)
15client.name = 'client'
16client.wait = True  # wait for client simulator to finish execution
19# attach client's NIC
20client_nic = I40eNIC()
24# create server
25server_config = I40eLinuxNode()  # boot Linux with i40e NIC driver
26server_config.ip = ''
27server_config.app = IdleHost()
28server = Gem5Host(server_config)
29server.name = 'server'
32# attach server's NIC
33server_nic = I40eNIC()
37# connect NICs over network
38network = SwitchNet()
43# set more interesting link latencies than default
44eth_latency = 500 * 10**3  # 500 us
45network.eth_latency = eth_latency
46client_nic.eth_latency = eth_latency
47server_nic.eth_latency = eth_latency
49experiments = [e]

1.4.2. Add a Node or Application Config

A host’s configuration and the workload to run are defined via Node and App Config. SimBricks already comes with a few examples in the module simbricks.orchestration.nodeconfig. If they don’t fit your use-case, you need to add your own by overriding the pre-defined member functions of NodeConfig and AppConfig. The most notably is run_cmds(), which defines the commands to execute for your workload/application. Further information can be found in the module simbricks.orchestration.nodeconfig directly.

1.4.3. Add a Custom Image

1.4.4. Integrate a New Simulator

The first step when integrating a new simulator into SimBricks is to implement a SimBricks adapter for it. You can find the necessary information in the Simulator Adapters section. To then make running experiments and setting up the communication channels with other simulators more convenient, add a class for the simulator to the orchestration framework that inherits from Simulator or one of the more specialized base classes in simbricks.orchestration.simulators. In this class you define the command to execute the simulator together with further parameters, for example, to connect to the communication channels with other simulators. Below is an example of what this looks like.

Listing 1.2 Orchestration framework class for WireNet, a simple Ethernet wire that attaches to the SimBricks Ethernet adapters of two simulators.
 1class WireNet(NetSim):
 3  def run_cmd(self, env):
 4      connects = self.connect_sockets(env)
 5      assert len(connects) == 2
 6      cmd = (
 7          f'{env.repodir}/sims/net/wire/net_wire {connects[0][1]}'
 8          f' {connects[1][1]} {self.sync_mode} {self.sync_period}'
 9          f' {self.eth_latency}'
10      )
11      if env.pcap_file:
12          cmd += ' ' + env.pcap_file
14      return cmd

1.4.5. Add a New Interface